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Niet bekend Details Over abonnees youtube kopen

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“Total repudiation ofwel the military mobilisation in the Plaza Murillo, attempting to destroy the constitutional order,” she wrote on the social media platform X, adding that Arce “must leave through the vote in 2025”.

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As General Zuniga was arrested, Holman explained that the military leader made unverified allegations that this apparent coup was organised by Arce himself to boost his dismal approval ratings.

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Amid international outcry, an apparent coup attempt in Bolivia has subsided, with President Luis Arce asserting his authority aan the country’s military.

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Regional organisations rally behind Bolivian government as troops and armoured vehicles gather in the capital.

Under his leadership, right-wing forces in provinces like Santa Cruz have led deadly strikes against measures they believe are designed to keep them from power. Just last year, a aanzienlijk opposition leader, Luis Fernando Camacho, was arrested for his alleged role in 2019’s political arrest.

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